Thursday, August 30, 2007

Children, behave

The kids at it again.

Melty vanilla and chocolate

It was so hot yesterday I was afraid I was going to come home to melted kitties. I put the portable A/C to use for the second time ever.

Desperate measures

Momo's favorite bottle cap got stuck under the cabinet - I couldn't believe he fit himself under there - it's only about 3" off the ground!

Momo Bandito

Momo stole my paper towel and ran away with it to the other room. He does this with socks, too.

Gift with purchase

I went to Safeway to get some blueberry pop tarts, and come home to find this white fluffy thing jump out of the bag - a free gift with purchase?? I should buy pop tarts more often.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The hazards of cat ownership

Our water went out for a while and when it came back on, I happened to turn on the faucet while Fiko was standing right by me (begging for food, of course). It made a loud sputtering sound, spooking Fiko, so he bolted -- my foot was in his path so he sliced up pretty good. I think he knew he'd hurt me because he sat there staring at my poor foot while it started to bleed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fiko's Compulsive Paper Tapping

Any time Fiko spies a piece of paper, this is what happens. Every single time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Naughty Momo

He KNOWS he's not supposed to play with the flowers, for one, because who knows if they are poisonous to him, and two, I just know he's going to knock them over and spill water all over. So, I snapped this, went "awwww" then immediately scolded him. He got right back up and almost knocked it over.

Tomato Break

I know this has nothing to do with cats, but I'm so proud of my very first tomato that I grew! It was delicious.

Such a Booger

Momo won't leave Fiko or Romeo alone. He finally stopped bugging everyone when Romeo smacked him across the face.

Momo Sleeps Funny

Monday, August 06, 2007

Momo's Namesake

We picked out the name "Momo" for our next kitty long before we'd even met our Momo. Funny how he turned out to look like the character we were naming him after, from the cartoon Avatar.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bubble Boy

Fiko's Annual Vet Visit

This was torture - for all of us. Everyone at the vet's office was staring since he wailed like this through the car ride, waiting in the lobby, the check-up, and all the way home. His voice was hoarse by the time we got home 45 minutes later.