Monday, November 26, 2007

Fed up with the cold

Momo says, "Romeo, wake me when the cold snap is over."

Argh, when are we moving to St. Barth's??!

Cold Thanksgiving weekend

Cold is relative, but for here, it was pretty cold. I spent most of my Sunday in the bedroom with the space heater on so we wouldn't turn into catcicles and peoplecicles.

Is Momo trying to tell me something?

Like, Mama, turn on the heater! After this dramatic cry for attention, I turned on the heater.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Squishy Fiko

Fiko squished himself between 2 pillows and he looked so tiny!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Being Silly


He got under there himself!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Jiji hearts Robby

Meet Jiji

Jiji parked herself under my car in Oakland about 4 months ago. I fed her leftover ribs from lunch, but she was so skinny and starved looking that I brought her home. Stanford Cat Network, the group I volunteer with, agreed to take her into the fold. After a visit to the vet, we found out she's about 15 months old and has a heart murmur, thyroid problems, and needed major dental work. Since she's so old, we didn't want her living in a cage at the vet's office so decided to foster her at my home. We put her in our kitchen behind a baby gate since it was clear early on that she didn't get along with other cats.

She had lots of teeth pulled, and since she didn't have many to begin with, she's nearly toothless now. Her thyroid meds have helped her gain about 2 lbs (she was about 4.5 lbs when I first found her). She's a lap cat who loves Rob especially - he wraps her in a blanket like a burrito and they watch TV together every day. She thinks I'm alright, but I'm no Rob! When she walks in the door, she runs her little arthritic body across the room to see him and wails "Raaaahhh" in her old lady voice. Here is a picture of the "Raaahh" look. She's wearing hot pink "soft paws" since her hobby is attacking things that don't stand on 2 legs and get within 5 feet of her heiness's presence.

Originally, the plan was to find her a nice home, but she seems to love ours so much that I think she may be here to stay to live out the rest of her old age wrapped like a burrito.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Momo helps me with attachments

Is this why my laptop is broken?

Cold Romeo

He backed himself into this cave he made from a blanket. I swore I saw chattering teeth and then promised him we'd move to St. Barth's someday.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Mama, I'm stuck

Fiko got stuck under the bed somehow and needed help getting out!

Momo gets personal